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June Ripped Person – Catherine

I moved to Philly three years ago for law school and I fell in love with the city pretty quickly. When I got here, I struggled to find a routine of working out that I enjoyed and felt intense. Before moving, I’d work out with my friends and I liked trying out strength training. After moving and with school, I got in a rut where I couldn’t find a routine I liked and I forgot how much I loved moving my body. I joined Ripped at the end of 2023 after my friend Meagan brought me as a guest and I was quickly all in. I like how challenging the workout is and how incredible I feel after class, but the real difference I got from Ripped is the inclusive, friendly community. Being a member reminds me of being on a sports team! The instructors are all so kind, welcoming and encouraging but won’t hesitate to push me. I love being challenged and seeing myself get stronger (especially at all strength butt and legs!), and I appreciate how my mental health has improved through joining Ripped. I also love getting to go to Ripped with my friends!