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Samantha Citron

In Studio Training



My love affair with Ripped PHL began a little over a year ago. I was working at the front desk at a cycling studio where I also worked out consistently. When the cycling studio closed, I had to decide where I would workout. I had taken classes at Ripped PHL before and always enjoyed them so the studio was one of the first places to come to mind. Just as important for me, the staff members were always friendly and welcoming so I always felt comfortable there. As someone who works out frequently throughout the week, I was hesitant to become a member at first. I thought that I would be sore from the lifting and running and that it would be difficult to go to classes as consistently as I like to work out. Nonetheless, I decided I would give it a try. Shortly after, my doubts were erased, and I have never looked back. 

I have always enjoyed working out, but I often went about it the wrong way, focusing on checking off that daily workout or just getting a sweat in rather than working towards a specific fitness goal. Since I joined Ripped, I am focused on getting stronger and increasing my stamina. When I lift a heavier weight during class or increase my speed on the treadmill, I feel proud and determined to do more. Equally as important, I have realized the importance of allowing my muscles to rest. I have learned to listen to my body and give myself a day off (or more) when I need, knowing that in the long run, it will make me stronger. The instructors at Ripped keep me motivated, and make sure that my form is correct so I get the most out of my workouts and don’t get hurt. They even make me laugh during class and have made me feel part of the family, which keeps me coming back. I have always enjoyed group fitness classes, but when there is someone calling your name out during class and there before class asking about your day at work or your weekend plans, you are not working out alongside strangers, but rather friends and teammates helping you become better. And better I’ve certainly become! I’m in better shape than I was in my soccer playing days and I finally have those toned tank top arms I always wanted. 

That’s what makes Ripped stand out from other studios: it delivers results while maintaining that family owned vibe. Ripped has found that perfect balance of allowing you to constantly feel challenged while still feeling that your goals are in reach. For that, even when I walk up and down the steep steps that lead me to and from my work out, I always have a smile on my face.